If you have a question for any of today’s speakers, leave a comment on this post and we’ll use that to pass the questions on during their respective sessions. Be sure to note in your comment who your question is for.
Welcome to WordCamp Whistler 2009!
This will be a collaborative post that we will update through this morning to bring all the details for today’s conference. If you need today’s schedule, you get get it here.
If you can’t make it today, check out the live stream of toady’s WordCamp, brought to you by the fine folks at Fearless City.
Some blog posts that we’re seeing from people here on the ground.
- All of Rebecca’s posts on Miss604.com tagged with wcw09
- Dale Mugford’s post on being here for WordCamp
- Cathy Tibbles has discovered some sweet plugins while attending WordCamp
- Raul has a fleet of posts and provides some great coverage of the whole day
- Kris Krug is being a Flip ninja and posting video interviews like mad on YouTube
- Twitter hashtag: or
- Flickr tag: wcw09, wcwhistler09
And for real live coverage, check out Rebecca’s post here
Speaker’s summaries in their own words:
- Keynote Speaker Lorelle VanFossen: WordPress Power Tips Slide Show
- Dale Mugford: Notes on his talk over at bravenewcode.com
- John Biehler: My WordCamp Whistler 2009 Session Notes
- Morten Rand-Hendriksen: Using Conditional Custom Fields for Advanced Layouts
- Tris Hussey: My WordCamp Whistler Talk: How to build a website with WordPress, for normal people
I’m trying to get every participants’ name and website and post it on my blog at sparkplug9.com:
(If I missed you … email me or contact me at my blog and I will add you to the list.)
[...] Bollwit, better known as Miss 604 Rebecca is live-blogging the wordcamp here. For those who are not from Vancouver … 604 is our local telephone area [...]
[...] Update: John is providing live notes on the WordCamp Whistler website. [...]
For Lorelle: What do you think of the ptd trail blazers?
What’s a ptd trail blazer? A blog?
Remember, I’m a geek and I live a traveling geek life. Commercial, spectator spots ain’t my thang. I assume they are some sports team in Portland.
But if you want to talk about the incredible open source geek community in Portland and their expert teams, I’m there. I love Portland’s powerful coders, hackers, and programming community.
A screen capture video version of my entire talk “Using WordPress in Alternate Configurations” is now available on my blog for anyone and everyone to watch. The video is accompanied by an article with code examples and links to the different tools I used: